Roger Dean Miller, countrymuziek & reïncarnatie
Een vrolijk, eenvoudig liedje over reïncarnatie is afkomstig van Roger Miller.
Je kunt de song via deze link op YouTube beluisteren. De tekst vind je hieronder.
'Reincarnation' (c) Roger Miller
If l was a bird and you was a fish, what would we do?
l guess we'd wish for
l guess we'd wish for
Reincarnation, reincarnation
Wouldn't it be a sensation to come back too like reincarnation?
If l was a tree and you was a flower, what would we do?
l guess we'd wait for the power of
Reincarnation, reincarnation
Wouldn't it be a sensation to come back too like reincarnation?
I love you and don't you know l always will
You're a girl, I'm a boy
But suppose you were a rose
And l was a whip-poor-will
If l was a bird and you was a fish, what would we do?
l guess we'd wish for
Reincarnation, reincarnation
Wouldn't it be a sensation to come back too like reincarnation?
I love you and don't you know l always will
You're a girl, I'm a boy
But suppose you was a rose
And l was a Whippoorwill
If l was a bird and you was a fish, what would we do?
l guess we'd wish for
Reincarnation, reincarnation
Wouldn't it be a sensation to come back too like reincarnation?
Andere liedjes over reïncarnatie en vorige levens
* Past Lives, Kesha (blogje van gisteren)
* Reincarnation Song, Victoria Wood
* Higher Ground, Barbra Streisand
* Er is leven na de de dood, Freek de Jonge
Zangers en zangeressen over reïncarnatie
Zet het woord zanger, zangeres, lied of song in het zoekfilter van dit Blog Vorige Levens en je komt andere artikelen tegen waarin zangers en zangeressen uitspraken doen over vorige levens & reïncarnatie.
Marianne Notschaele-den Boer