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EARTh: Discovering Regression Therapy, movie |
EARTh - Discovering Regression Therapy - filmpjes
Voor de 'Earth Association for Regression Therapy' (EARTh) heeft Virginia Rivera Hernandez een film gemaakt, getiteld 'Discovering Regression Therapy: A Love Story'. Deze film is opgedeeld in 15 stukjes van elk ongeveer 7 minuten en bedoeld om een breed publiek te informeren en inspireren over de positieve effecten van regressietherapie.
Op deze webpagina http://www.earth-association.org/discovering-regression-therapy-love-story vind je linkjes naar de filmpjes.
Je kunt alles achter elkaar bekijken of er fragmenten uitpakken die je zelf het meest aanspreken.
Geschikt voor therapeuten en coaches die zich willen bekwamen in regressie- en reïncarnatietherapie, en iedereen die meer wil weten over regressietherapie.
Verdeling filmpjes
Regressie- en reïncarnatietherapeuten uit verschillende landen vertellen over ons mooie vakgebied:
1 - What on EARTh is regression therapy?
2 - There are loads of therapies out there, what is so special about this one?
3 - How does a regression therapist differ from other kinds of therapists?
4 - How do we know that it really works and transforms?
5 - An encounter with the soul, testimonies
6 - Becoming a good regression therapist
7 - The ideal student
8 - Falling in love: studying regression therapy
9 - Regression therapy: a teacher's perspective
10 - Past lives: a researcher's perspective
11 - EARTh: therapists that make a difference
12 - EARTh: regression therapy going global
13 - A global meeting: the world congress for regression therapy
14 - Training in action: regression therapy workshops
15 - Regression therapy: a love story
Enjoy watching!
Marianne Notschaele-den Boer
Regressie- en reïncarnatietherapeut (lid EARTh)
2 - There are loads of therapies out there, what is so special about this one?
3 - How does a regression therapist differ from other kinds of therapists?
4 - How do we know that it really works and transforms?
5 - An encounter with the soul, testimonies
6 - Becoming a good regression therapist
7 - The ideal student
8 - Falling in love: studying regression therapy
9 - Regression therapy: a teacher's perspective
10 - Past lives: a researcher's perspective
11 - EARTh: therapists that make a difference
12 - EARTh: regression therapy going global
13 - A global meeting: the world congress for regression therapy
14 - Training in action: regression therapy workshops
15 - Regression therapy: a love story
Enjoy watching!
Marianne Notschaele-den Boer
Regressie- en reïncarnatietherapeut (lid EARTh)